Together With ICSE Computer Application Question Bank for Class 9
- Publisher : Rachna Sagar
- Author: Aditi Arora
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days
- Rs.364
Rs.345 Upto 5% off

Description :
The text in this Computer study material for class 9 is primarily designed to equip the students with correct guidance and practice material to prepare them for getting excellent marks in ICSE Board Examination.
This ICSE board Computer book will develop thinking skills of the students so that they are able to grasp the examination rubrics and marking scheme of the paper.
We assure you that if you study through this Computer study material for class 9, you will score excellent marks in your ICSE board exam.
Tags: Ref.Book, Class9, ICSEClass9, ICSE, RachnaSager
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