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Applied Mathematics Sem 3 SYBSc IT tech-Neo Publication..
Rs.230 Rs.250
Computer Graphics & Animation Sem 4 SYBSc IT book is published by TechNeo publications as p..
Computer Network Sem 3 SYBSc IT tech-Neo Publication..
Rs.271 Rs.290
Computer Oriented Statistical Techniques Sem 4 SYBSc IT book is published by TechNeo&nbs..
Rs.300 Rs.315
Learn the fundamentals of architecture, programming in assembly language, and embedded system applic..
Rs.480 Rs.610
Microprocessor Architecture Programming & Applications by Ramesh Gaonkar&..
Mobile Programming Practical Sem 3 SYBSc IT tech-Neo Publication..
Rs.235 Rs.250
Object Oriented Programming With C++ Sem II B.Sc-IT TechNeo book is base on latest updated syllabus ..
Operating systemsSem 3 SYBSc IT tech-Neo Publication..
Python Pragramming Sem 3 SYBSc IT tech-Neo Publication..
Rs.335 Rs.360
Software Engineering book is published by techneo publications as per the latest prescribe syll..
Rs.815 Rs.905
T.Y.B.Sc.Comp.Sci. Sem. 6 Tech-Neo Publication books Set of 6 books with lab manual is Publishe..
Rs.345 Rs.380
Advance Database Management System book is published by Tech-Neo publicat..
Rs.397 Rs.440
Advanced Concrete Technology book is published by Tech-Neo publications as per the latest ..
Rs.253 Rs.280
Advanced Concrete Technology book is published by techneo publications as per the latest presc..
Rs.401 Rs.440
Advanced Vibration book is published by TechNeo publications as per the latest presc..
Rs.280 Rs.310
Air and Noise Pollution & Control book is published by techneo publications as per the lat..
Rs.460 Rs.510
Analog and Digital Communication book is published by Tech-Neo publications as per the lat..
Rs.406 Rs.450
Analog Electronics book is published by Techneo publications as per the latest prescribe s..
Rs.324 Rs.350
This book is base on as per the latest syllabus of Mumbai University for engineering degree,publishe..