Target Publication Std. 9th Perfect Notes Entire Set, English Medium (MH Board) (Combo of 8 Books viz; English, Hindi, Marathi, 2 Maths, Science, History and Geography Notes)
- Publisher : Target Publication
- Author: Target Expert
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days
- Rs.1,565
Rs.1,517 Upto 3% off

Description :
Std. 9th Perfect Entire Set, (Combo of 8 Books viz., English, Hindi, Marathi, 2 Maths, Science, History and Geography notes) English Medium (MH Board) is an all-inclusive combo of eight books by Target Publications. All the books herein are compiled in accordance to the Paper Pattern prescribed for Class 9 by Maharashtra Board. The objective of this combo is to help students understand textual concepts and build their knowledge quotient in the process. The salient features of Std. 9th Perfect Entire Set (Combo of 8 Books) are as follows: 1. All the books within this combo have been prepared in line with the latest syllabus notified by MH board 2. Extensive coverage of all textual concepts in great detail 3. English, Hindi and Marathi Language Notes extensively cover textual chapter and poems replete with their Glossaries, Summaries, Paraphrases and Language Study sections 4. Science and Technology Notes cover Subjective Questions as well as Objective Questions in addition to detailed solutions of Numericals 5. In addition to chapter-wise Practice Tests in Maths, MCQs are covered to prepare students for competitive examinations 6. Social Studies (History and Geography) Notes come equipped with chapter-wise Assessment Tests to facilitate thorough revision
Tags: Target Publication, Class9TP, MHBoard, MHBoard9, Class9
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