Target Publication Std.11th Economics Notes, Commerce and Arts (MH Board)
- Publisher : Target Publication
- Author: Target Experts
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days
- Rs.235
Rs.205 Upto 13% off

Description :
The salient features of Std. 11th Economics Notes, Commerce and Arts are as follows: 1. Chapters in the book comprise of the following features: - Extensive coverage of all textual questions - Sub-Topic wise classification of concepts in question-answer format - Inclusion of model answers to all questions in the form of pointers - Section titled ‘Mnemonics’ to facilitate easy recall of answers - ‘Quick Recap’ section given at the end of all chapter to facilitate quick and thorough revision 2. Inclusion of Gyan Guru, the mascot of Target Publications and student buddy to draw students’ attention to important nuggets of knowledge and to help them understand a concept distinctly with a corresponding example from their immediate environment.
Tags: Target Publication, Class11TP, MHBoard, MHBoard11, Class11
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