Strategic Cost Management SYBMS Sem 4 Vipul Prakashan
- Publisher : Vipul Prakashan
- Author: Arvind A. Dhond
- Edition: 2023
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
Strategic Cost Management Sem 4 Vipul Prakashan SYBMS Sem 4 Vipul Prakashan Book is base on latest updated syllabus and paper pattern prescribed by Mumbai University for BMS (Bachelor of Management Studies) 2nd Year semester 4 published by Vipul Prakashan.The knowledge gained through the study of this subject will be useful to the students of all through their in Management professional lives.
1 Learners should develop skills of analysis, evaluation and synthesis in cost andmanagement accounting 2 The subject covers the complex modern industrial organizations within which the various facets of decision-making and controlling operations take place.
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