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First Edition of of "Accountancy and Financial Management-I" Sheth Publication to the students..
Accounting and Financial Management -2 FYBcom Sem 2 Sheth Publication as per syllabus of Mumba..
Contents of the book:Partnership Final Accounts based on Adjustment of Admission or Retirement/Death..
This Book is base on latest updated syllabus and paper pattern prescribed by Mumbai University for B..
Accounting for Managerial Decision Book is base on latest updated syllabus and paper pattern prescri..
Advanced Cost and Management Accounting book as per NEP 2020 is base on latest updated syllabus..
Advanced Cost and Management Accounting-II book as per NEP 2020 is base on latest updated sylla..
Advanced Financial Accounting M.Com Part 1 Sem 1 as per NEP 2020 Sheth Publication..
Advanced Java Technologies including practicals Sem 5 TYBsc IT Sheth publication as ..
Advanced Python Programming Sem 2 FYB.Sc-Computer Science Sheth Publication book As per NEP 202..
Advanced Trends in Accounting part 1 M.Com Sem 1 as per NEP 2020 Sheth Publication book&..
Advanced Trends in Accounting -II M.Com Sem 2 as per NEP 2020 Sheth Publication book is ..
Advanced Web Development Sem 5 TYBsc IT Sheth publication as per the latest prescribed syllabus..
Syllabus 1. Introduction to Advertising (12 Lec.)♦ Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) – ..
Course Objective:To highlight the role of advertising for the success of brands and its importance w..
This Book is based on latest updated syllabus and paper pattern prescribed by Mumbai University for ..
Advertising Book is base on latest updated syllabus and paper pattern prescribed by Mumbai Univ..
An Overview of Banking Sector SYBBI Sem 3 Sheth Publication..
Application of MS Excel in Business FYBBI Sem 1 NEP 2020 Sheth Publication Book is base on late..
Applied Mathematics Sem 3 SYBSc IT Sheth Publication..