Selina Concise Chemistry for ICSE Class 9 | Latest Edition ICSE Class 9 -

Selina Concise Chemistry for ICSE Class 9 | 2025 Edition

  • Publisher : Selina
  • Author: S.P.Singh
  • Edition: 2025-26
  • Availability: Out Of Stock
  • Normally Deliver within 3-4 days
  • Rs.355

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  • Description :

    Selina Concise Chemistry for ICSE Class 9 for Mach 2026 examination. This book is written strictly in accordance with the latest syllabus prescribed by the Council for the L.S.C. Examinations in and after 2027

    The textbook Concise Chemistry for Class IX provides a comprehensive study of Chemistry in accordance with the latest syllabus prescribed for Class IX by the Council for the ISC Examinations, New Delhi. Great care has been taken to see that all the topics mentioned in the syllabus are systematically dealt with, starting from basic concepts and gradually going into the required depth. Instructions, diagrams, numerical and experiments have been given, wherever necessary to make the subject interesting and appealing to the students. Exercises are based on the latest trend of the L.C.S. question papers.

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