Science And Technology - Practical Note Book Class 9
- Publisher : Maharashtra State Board
- Author: Maharashtra State Bureau
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
Science And Technology-Practical Book Class 9 is a book that helps you to learn Science and Technology in a fun and practical way. It contains the practical activities and experiments that are prescribed by the Maharashtra State Board for Class 9 students. It covers all the topics and concepts of the Science and Technology syllabus, such as motion, force, work, energy, sound, matter, atoms, molecules, cells, tissues, diversity, adaptation, health, hygiene, natural resources, pollution, and disaster management. It provides you with the objectives, materials, procedures, observations, calculations, and conclusions for each activity and experiment. It also includes diagrams, tables, graphs, and charts to illustrate the concepts and results. It helps you to develop your scientific skills, attitude, and temperament, and apply them in real-life situations. With this book, you can prepare well for the practical exams and enhance your knowledge and understanding of Science and Technology.
Tags: Class 9, MHBoard, MHBoard9
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