Greenfingers - Kharghar
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Fight against corruption in Education. Why should your school insist you to buy books from only one Book store ?
Many schools have open book list which they publish on their website 1 month before the results, so that parents can decide to buy online or from book store of their preference.
However some schools take upto 25% commission from book suppliers and nexus with them to stop supply of their prescribed books to other dealers. They block the supply chain through restrictive trade practices, so that the parents are left with no other option than to buy the books from one supplier from whom the school takes commission.
Parents should raise their voice and talk to the school principal to stop this corrupt practice #stopcorruptionineducation.
Now you can also buy latest edition text books of Greenfingers Global school, Kharghar online. All common text books available at SchoolChamp online Book Store.