Ripples Book (PP1) Part 1 to Part 8 + Wipe – Clean Fun Mat book for Nursey
- Publisher : Sheth Publication
- Edition: 2025-26
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
A set of 10 Pupil Books. 8 Monthly Books cover English, Math, EVS and Art. The English is taught with the help of Synthetic Phonics pedagogy, Math using the CPA(Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract) approach, EVS using VTS(Visual thinking strategy), Art is integrated across the learning domain. One of the Pupil Book is on the Season and Festival books along with some writing pages. The set also consist of Wipe and Clean book where pupil can practise writing and number skills, spelling, math and many more essential learning activities over and over again.
Tags: Ripples Book (PP1) Part 1 to Part 8 + Wipe – Clean Fun Mat book for Nursey, Nursery
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