Production and Total Quality Management SYBMS Sem 4 by Dr. Rinkesh Chheda Himalaya Publication
- Publisher : Himalaya Publication
- Author: Dr. Rinkesh Chheda
- Edition: 2023
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
Production and Total Quality Management SYBMS Sem 4 by Dr. Rinkesh Chheda Himalaya Publication Book is base on latest updated syllabus and paper pattern prescribed by Mumbai University for BMS (Bachelor of Management Studies) 2nd Year semester 4 published by Himalaya Publication .The knowledge gained through the study of this subject will be useful to the students of all through their in Management professional lives.
Total Quality Management (TQM) is a philosophy that involves everyone in the organisations in a continual improvement of quality and achieve customer satisfaction.
This book has been organised into three units viz., (1) Production Management, (2) Materials Management and (3) Basics of Productivity and TQM, comprising ten chapters in all. This book is specifically written to meet the requirements of the BMS degree program (Semester IV) of Mumbai University.
Tags: Production and Total Quality Management SYBMS Sem 4 by Dr. Rinkesh Chheda Himalaya Publication, Dr. Rinkesh Chheda, BMS Sem 4