Non Conventional Energy Sources book By G.D.Rai
- Author: G.D.Rai
- Edition: 2024
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Description :
Non Conventional Energy Sources book By G.D.Rai book by Khanna Publishers covers several useful aspects regarding various energy sources which is emerging as a high priority to national needs.
There are seventeen chapters in this book which deal with the different non-conventional energy sources, have been divided into seven units, i,
1. Solar energy
2. Wind energy
3. Energy from biomass and biogas
4. Geothermal energy
5. Energy from the oceans
6. Chemical energy sources
7. Additional alternate ener sources and improved energy utilization.
Unit 1: Solar energy sources have been described under the chapters, solar radiation and its measurement, solar energy storage systems and solar energy applications.
Unit 2: Covers wind energy conversion systems.
Unit 3: Energy from biomass is discussed under two types i.e., biogas generation and gasification of biomass.
Unit 4. Discusses the geothermal energy sources.
Unit 5: Different energy forms from the oceans are described in the order: ocean thermal electric conversion, tidal energy, wave energy and small scale hydroelectric system.
Unit 6: Discusses the two types of chemical energy sources. Fuel cells and batteries, and hydrogen energy.
Unit 7: MHD, thermonuclear fusion and other small scale energy sources such as thermoelectric and thermionic conversion systems are discussed.
Tags: Non Conventional Energy Sources book By G.D.Rai, G.D.Rai, Sem 7 Mech. Engg
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