Self-Help Books
Apples Are Square
Rs.281 Rs.310
For centuries, leaders have been operating within a ‘control and compete’ mindset. But times are cha..
Arms And The Man
Rs.150 Rs.165
One of his most important plays and one of the most renowned comedies, George Bernard Shaw's Arms an..
Atomic Habits : An Easy & Proven Way To Build Good Habits &
Rs.715 Rs.814
Atomic Habits World-renowned habits expert James Clear has discovered a simpler system for transform..
Awesome Ways To Motivate Others
Rs.281 Rs.310
Based on years of successful workshops and personal coaching programmes, Steve Chandler and Scott Ri..
Awesome Ways To Motivate Yourself
Rs.281 Rs.310
100 Ways to Motivate Yourself provides you with 100 different thinking tools to find your most spiri..
Bite The Bullet
Rs.281 Rs.310
Crush the need for immediate gratification, delay compulsive behaviour, break away from temptation a..
Built For Stealth
Rs.281 Rs.310
Imagine your life as it unfolds in the next ten years. How do you want it to materialize? What is th..
Business Sutra
Rs.735 Rs.814
Business Sutra: A very Indian Approach to Management is a radical, nuanced approach to management, b..
Ikigai Marathi Edition-The Japanese Secrete to a Long and
Rs.200 Rs.210
'Ikigai Marathi Edition-इकिगाई- दीर्घायुषी निरोगी आणि आनंदी जीवनाचे जपानी रहस्य.जगभरातील लाखो ल..
Ikigai-The Japanese Secrete to a Long and Happy Life By
Rs.240 Rs.565
'Ikigai gently unlocks simple secrets we can all use to live long, meaningful, happy lives. Science-..
Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki
Rs.365 Rs.614
Rich Dad Poor Dad is a 1997 book written by Robert T. Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechte..
The Power of Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy
Rs.275 Rs.290
This remarkable book by Dr. Joseph Murphy, one of the pioneering voices of affirmative thinking, com..
The Power of Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy | Marathi
Rs.195 Rs.214
This remarkable book by Dr. Joseph Murphy, one of the pioneering voices of affirmative thinking, com..
The Psychology Of Money By Morgan Housel
Rs.264 Rs.414
The Psychology Of Money Book By Morgan Housel -Timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happinessHow t..