Nirali Entrepreneurship Development and Startups MSBTE’s ‘K’ Scheme Sem 4 | Automobile Engineering

Nirali Entrepreneurship Development and Startups MSBTE’s ‘K’ Scheme Sem 4 | Automobile Engineering

  • Publisher : Nirali Prakashan
  • Author: Dr. Yogesh T. Malshette
  • Edition: 2025-26
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Normally Deliver within 3-4 days
  • Rs.255

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  • Description :

    Nirali Publication  Entrepreneurship Development and Startups book is an exclusive material for Maharashtra State Board Technical Education’s Polytechnic Subjects MSBTE Diploma Sem 4 Mechanical Engineering , Production Automobile Engineering  . The book is written by eminent authors of Nirali Publication with more than 20 years experience in the field of book writing.

    1. Entrepreneurship Development-Concept and Scope 2. Entrepreneurial Opportunities and Selection Process 3. Support Systems 4. Business Plan Preparation 5. Managing Enterprise Annexure 1 to Annexure 10

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