New Voices English coursebooks Class 6 | Latest Edition
- Publisher : Madhuban Publication
- Author: Vijaya Subramaniam, Charu Rekha
- Edition: 2024
- Availability: Out Of Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
New Voices English coursebooks Class 6 NEP 2020 Aligned series is crafted for learners of today, for whom it is of foremost importance to learn how to learn. The use of graphic organisers, timelines and graphic retelling of stories in New Voices Revised helps develop critical thinking and study skills in learners—two vital tools for learning. Additionally, the delivery of emotionally competent stimuli helps build a strong foundation for learning.
Salient Features
The series guides learners through the seven stages of a brain-based approach to learning. Here is a preview of the various stages the learners are taken through in each chapter:
- Ponder - aids the learners in pre-acquisition of concepts by setting the context, while preparing them to read the text with the aid of the glossary and in-text questions.
- Prepare - immerses the learners into the context and initiates holistic learning. It helps in the acquisition of newer perspectives through task-based activities.
- Practise - lays out the canvas for the stage of elaboration, in which the learners analyse and evaluate the text while applying their understanding of it.
- Perfect - aids memory encoding through drilling of vocabulary and grammar topics. It helps with incubation of concepts.
- Perform - functions as a confidence check for learners and ensures verification of their performative skills. This stage of summing up allows a functional integration of acquired concepts, leading to a celebration of learning.
- Integrates Task-based Language (TBL) Learning Approach
- Inculates NEP 2020 Skills
- Aligned to Sustainable Development Goals
Tags: New Voices English coursebooks Class 6 | Latest Edition, Vijaya Subramaniam, Charu Rekha, DPS Class 6