Navneet Mathematics Class 8 Digest (English Medium) Maharashtra State Board
- Publisher : Navneet
- Author: Navneet
- Edition: 2024
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
Navneet Mathematics Class 8 Digest (English Medium) Maharashtra State Board 2024 edition
Salient Features:
1. To the point summary of every subunit in each chapter
2. Model solutions to all textual questions
3. Each example is solved with logical steps and proper guidance
4. Neat and clear diagrams and graphs wherever necessary
5. Miscellaneous Exercise 1 and Miscellaneous Exercise 2 with full solution.
6. Markwise distribution of questions for practice with their answers and MCQ at the end of each chapter
7. Model Question Papers, one for each semester with answers
Tags: NavneetDigest, Class8Navneet, Class8, MHBoard, MHBoard8