Navneet Marathi Sulabhbharati Digest Class 7
- Publisher : Navneet
- Author: Navneet
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Description :
Navneet Marathi Sulabhbharti Class 7 Digest 2023 revised Edition
Salient Features:
1. Prepared as per Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) pattern as well as Activity Sheet format.Based on the guide textbooks as well at by the Board • Essays. Letters Story Comprehension
2 Meanings of difficult words in each prose lesson and poem.
3 Paraphrase of all the poems for better understanding of poem.
4 Activities based on extract/passage with answers in every poem/lesson.
5. Answers in simple and lucid language to all textual questions (including Writing Skills, as well as additional questions.
6. Grammar and Vocabulary exercises as per the requirements of Std. VII.
7. Separate section for Formative Evaluation in each lesson consisting of Oral Work and Activities/Projects.poems, skits, notes/message in Vocabulary suited to the age and level of students of Std. VII
8. Model Questions for Oral Test in all lessons/poems, 9. Model Activity Sheets for each semester as per activity-based format. for
Tags: NavneetDigest, Class7Navneet, Class7, MHBoard, MHBoard7