Navneet English Kumarbharati Digest Class 9 | Latest Edition
- Publisher : Navneet
- Author: Navneet
- Edition: 2024
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
Navneet English Kumarbharati Digest Class 9 Maharashtra State Board
Salient features:
1. Prepared as per the Activity Sheet format of 80 marks
2. Answers/Guidance for 'Warming Up!' and 'English Workshop' Activities in each poem/lesson.
3. Paraphrase of all the poems included.
4. Division of poems/lessons into extracts/passages for better understanding of lessons as well as the activity-based paper pattern.
5. Meanings of difficult words below each passage/extract.
6. Lucid explanation of how to write the Appreciation of a Poem.
7. Appreciation of all the poems in points format (for understanding) as well as paragraph format.
8. Language Study Activities in every prose lesson based on Q. 1. of the Latest Activity Sheet format.
9. Explanation of Language Study Topics.
10.A separate section of Unseen Passages for Comprehension and Summary for both semesters. 11. Separate Writing Skills section based on the topics given in the Latest Activity Sheet.
12. Provides an access to e-copy of this Digest; along with various interactive features
Tags: Navneet English Kumarbharati Digest Class 9 | Latest Edition, Navneet, MH State Board Class 9