MTG International Mathematics Olympiad NCO Class 10
- Publisher : MTG
- Author: Meetu Misra
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
MTG International Mathematics Olympiad NCO Class 10 Workbooks are designed to familiarize students with the type of questions coming in Olympiad exams.NCO Workbook is a Chapter wise workbook containing a variety of questions for the preparation of the SOF-organized National Cyber Olympiad. Each chapter inside the workbook comprises a quick recap before the start of questions. The questions inside the book are graded from basic to achievers’ level in the form of the HOTS section along with hints & explanations. A Solved 2021 National Cyber Olympiad exam paper is also included for a better understanding of the NCO exam pattern.
Tags: Olympiad, Class10, MTG, OlympiadClass10
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