Microprocessor Architecture Programming & Applications With 8085 By Ramesh Gaonkar
- Publisher : Tech-Neo Publication
- Author: Ramesh Gaonkar
- Edition: 2024
- Availability: In Stock
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- Rs.610
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Description :
Microprocessor Architecture Programming & Applications by Ramesh Gaonkar book is published by Penram International Publishing Architecture, Programming, and Use of the 8085 Microprocessor in Applications Based on the 8085 Microprocessor family, this book offers a thorough explanation of microprocessors, including both hardware and software. This book has been in the field for almost thirty years, having been initially published in 1984. The principles of the computer industry have evolved from the microprocessor notions that were at the forefront of technology in the 1970s and 1980s. Seeing such acceptance of the integrated approach to microprocessor idea instruction is encouraging.
Tags: Microprocessor Architecture Programming & Applications With 8085 By Ramesh Gaonkar, Ramesh Gaonkar, Sem 3 Comp. Engg