Mathematics-NCERT Book for Class 11
- Publisher : NCERT
- Author: NCERT
- Edition: 2024-25
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
Mathematics Textbook for Class XIÂ is a textbook for mathematics for class XI students. Published by NCERT, this book is designed to make mathematics enjoyable for students. The book focuses on the fact that this subject is more than just calculations and formulas, and makes it real fun to learn mathematics. It teaches students to pose as well as solve problems without any hassle. The book is written and formatted in such a manner that students can understand the fundamentals of mathematics without any difficulty. One chapter of the book is devoted to mathematical reasoning that covers various related issues. Finally, it has two appendices that discuss infinite series and mathematical modeling.
Tags: NCERT Books, CBSE, NCERT, Class11, CBSEClass11, NCERTClass11
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