Jeevandeep Marathi Aksharbharti (L.L.) Grammar and composition book for Class 9
- Publisher : Jeevandeep Publications
- Author: Jeevandeep
- Edition: 2024
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
Jeevandeep Marathi Aksharbharti (L.L.) Grammar and composition book for Class 9 As per Maharashtra State board new syllabus pattern .Skills for students of Standard X: SSC. This book has been written a view to cater to two specific needs of the students, namely to imbue students with a sound knowledge of Hindi Grammar and other linguistic patterns and to act as a reference book for practice and revision.
This book covers Grammar, Language Study, Vocabulary, Unseen Comprehension, Summary Prec Writing, Writing Skills topics. The author, in consultation with an expert in Marathi , has brought out this material which includes explanatory notes that are easily comprehensible to students. The schematic and systems presentation of the content matter supported by examples will serve to develop the intellect of the student. Th this compendium of grammar and writing skills will enable the students to appear for the examination with cu and confidence. We do sincerely hope that the students will appreciate the necessity of solving the exercise judiciously and then cross checking their answers with the model answers provided at the end of the book. We also invite, from teachers, language professionals and well-wishers, their valuable suggestions and constructive criticism that will help to increase the utility of this book.
Tags: Jeevandeep Marathi (L.L.) Grammar And Composition (Text-Cum Workbook) Std 9 Jeevandeep, Jeevandeep, MH State Board Class 9