Law And Medicine कायदा आणि औषध in Marathi SYBSL and SYLLB Sem 4 Aarti Law Books
- Publisher : Aarti & Co.
- Author: K Shriram
- Edition: 2025-26
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
Law And Medicine कायदा आणि औषध book is designed to provide a fundamental understanding of the relationship of law with medicine and its eventual growth. An attempt is made to address the new and emerging areas in this field such as surrogacy, donation and transplantation of human organs, management of bio-medical waste, etc. All relevant legislation, case laws and international documents in the field have also been made part of this edition.
Tags: Law And Medicine कायदा आणि औषध in Marathi SYBSL and SYLLB Sem 4 Aarti Law Books, K Shriram, LLB Sem 4
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