Labour Laws by Dr. I. A. Saiyed Himalaya Publication
- Publisher : Himalaya Publication
- Author: I. A. Saiyed
- Availability: In Stock
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Description :
This is the first book on Labour Laws which gives the glossary of words in Marathi, Gujarati and Hindi for the benefit of vernacular readers. The book is not the critical appreciation. But it states the Law as it stands today.
• This Compendium contains the Commentaries and Bare Acts on the Industrial Disputes Act, Maharashtra Recognition of Trade Unions and Prevention of Unfair Labour Practices Act, Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act and the Workmen`s Compensation Act.
• It is the lucid commentary on the subject matter and it will be useful to Senior Advocates, Junior Advocates, Law Teachers and Law Students, Labour Personnel and Trade Unionists alike because the subject matter is dealt with total precision and clarity.
• There is plethora of case laws in this Branch of Law -and those are dealt with but care is taken not to reproduce the text of rulings to check the size of the book.
• This is the first book on Labour Laws which gives the glossary of words in Marathi, Gujarati and Hindi for the benefit of vernacular readers.
• The book is not the critical appreciation. But it states the Law as it stands today.Contents :
1. The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (Commentary)
2. IDA, 1947 (Bare Act)
3. The Maharashtra Recognition of Trade Unions and Prevention of unfair Labour Practices Act, 1971 (Commentary)
4. The MRTU and PULP Act, 1971 (Bare Act)
5. The Industrial Employment Standing Orders Act, 1946 (Commentary)
6. The Industrial Employment Standing Orders Act, 1946 (Bare Act)
7. The Workmen`s Compensation Act, 1923 (Commentary)
8. The Workmen`s Compensation Act, 1923 (Bare Act)
Tags: Labour Laws by Dr. I. A. Saiyed Himalaya Publication, I. A. Saiyed, LLB Sem 1
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