JEE Main for B. Arch. / B. Planning Aptitude Test
- Publisher : Satya Prakashan
- Author: Prof. S.C. Garg and Dr. Yogesh K. Garg
- Availability: Out Of Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
This book covers this entire syllabus of JEE Aptitude Test prescribed for Admission to the 1st year of B.Arch and B. Design courses at all IITs. The coverage of the syllabus consists of Six Chapters with good number of illustrations and exercises. This book will be equally useful to all those candidates who are aspiring for admission and to complete B.Arch. and B. Design courses at IITs.
Tags: JEE Main for B. Arch. / B. Planning Aptitude Test, Prof. S.C. Garg and Dr. Yogesh K. Garg, Architecture
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