J. D. Lee Concise Inorganic Chemistry for NEET
- Publisher : Wiley
- Author: Sudarsan Guha
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days
- Rs.694
Rs.674 Upto 3% off

Description :
Classic Book Concise Inorganic Chemistry by J.D. Lee
This book is an adaptation of the classic book Concise Inorganic Chemistry by J.D. Lee (fifth edition) which is widely used by students all over the world. This adapted version provides a more concise treatment of the subject as per NEET syllabus requirements but does not compromise on essentials.
Tags: NEET, Buy J. D. Lee Concise Inorganic Chemistry for NEET, Best Inorganic Chemistry for NEET - School Champ
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