Informatics Practices by Sumita Arora book for Class 11
- Publisher : Dhanpat Rai Publications
- Author: Sumit Arora
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Description :
Informatics Practices by Sumita Arora book for Class 11 14th edition 2023 printed books informatics practices a text book for class 11Informatics Practices is a major subject at Senior Secondary level of CBSE with an aim of creating a league of students well-versed with computer practices that apply information science tools and methods in various fields. The subject 'Informatics Practices' focuses on concepts of Information Science applications and the basics of a Programming Language Python with an aim to use it for the management of information effectively.Written strictly according to CBSE syllabus of subject code 065, this book covers :⚫ Data Handling⚫ Database Query using SQLComputer Networks• Societal ImpactsThis text book has been so designed that it contains adequate examples and practical questions so as to make the learning complete.Keeping in sync with earlier editions, this book comes with a student- friendly presentation style to make learning process easier and fun to learn. This textbook - complete with numerous examples, OTQS (Objective Type Questions), Assertions and Reasoning Questions Solved Problems, guidelines to NCERT, Glossary and Assignments - promises to guide you for the preparation for the final examination.
Tags: DPS Textbooks-Nerul, Ref.Book, Class11, DPSClass11, CBSEClass11, CBSE
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