How much meditation is important to Students?
I feel it's important for students for a variety of reasons:
1. Expanding one's consciousness gives one a greater capacity to learn which is supported by scientific research.
2. Becoming intimately familiar with one's self is as important as the knowledge one traditionally learns at school.
Just like our body needs exercise to stay healthy, the mind needs meditation to stay in top form. It’s like exercise for the mind, but one that relaxes not just the mind, but the entire system. Hence, if meditation is taught in schools, we will have a future generation of happy, healthy individuals. Intelligence and wisdom levels would increase thus bringing down crime levels and other negative attributes of a society.
3. A curriculum based on meditation leads to greater mental and physical health, rather than the mental and physical stress normally associated with education.
4. Understanding the deepest level of reality and seeing how all traditional knowledge relates to that and to one's self is the best way to learn.
Meditation techniques draw out subconscious thoughts, latent instincts, repressed emotions and a lot of litter in the form of random thoughts. But we use the term education, for a process to load stuff into an already overburdened mind. The west has given this form of education which dumps information in the brain. One has to learn to make a fine distinction between the two, whether to treat education as a tool to dump information or as a liberator of the mind. Meditation practice leads exactly to that.
In meditation, you practice over and over again to bring your mind back to the object of your attention. Similarly in your studies, if you can let it all go except the task at hand, you are bound to do well.
In the context of studies, a regular practice of meditation helps because your mind becomes accustomed to focusing.
Concentration - if one can concentrate on the work he does, the same task can be completed efficiently and in a shorter time.
Focusing - meditation helps to keep focused on goals.
Relaxation- It helps to keep mind and body relaxed.
Positivity- Meditation certainly brings a lot of positivity in you.
So, if studying is your goal, then certainly it will help you a lot in your studies.
Meditation does not promise intelligence. However, it definitely improves the brain's capacity.
Instead of looking at meditation as a practice, I suggest viewing it as a physical exercise to your brain.
Every day, we do lots of work with our hands but that doesn't help you grow bigger arms. Your arms, or specifically your bicep muscles grow stronger only when you perform specific exercises that repeatedly exert pressure on that muscle.
Similarly, your brain performs numerous activities every day. This doesn't make it stronger. However, when you meditate, you are exerting pressure by limiting its functions into a single direction. This creates a sense of alertness to your brain making it more efficient in performing its duty.
Hence, by meditating, you would make your brain more alert and susceptible to learning.
Stress Management: A student’s life can be so stressful. I know a student finds the pressure to be intense and a daily meditation practice, even of only 5 minutes a day, can reduce stress and increase well-being.
Improved Focus: Being able to focus increases a student’s ability to learn more efficiently, retain information better, and concentrate on getting creative work, like papers or projects, done better and faster. Meditation helps you require your brain to be able to focus and concentrate better.
Internal Strength: Last but not least, a daily meditation practice can get you in touch with inner tranquility and a source of strength. This takes longer to develop in most people’s meditation practice, but it is a wonderful resource for a student in times of trial and tribulation. You are enough just as you are and loved with every step you take.
The purpose of meditation is to know oneself, whether you are a student or a professor. In fact, during meditation, you might realize you are not a student but pure consciousness.
Meditation is suggested by many as a remedy for stress and improving mental agility in order to score more marks in exams.
meditation is an attempt to go within and discover what makes you who you think you are. It is a journey of self-discovery. Yes, students can get into meditation, why not but setting the right expectations is very important.
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