Ruskin Bond-Small Towns, Big Stories

Ruskin Bond-Small Towns, Big Stories

  • Publisher : Rupa Publications
  • Author: Ruskin Bond
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Normally Deliver within 3-4 days
  • Rs.514
  • Rs.465 Upto 10% off

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  • Description :
    It is easier to know people in small places. Sometimes you can't help knowing them. Like the boy who walks four miles to school; or the elderly gentleman who is up every morning at five o'clock, taking his morning walk (tap-tap-tap, I hear his walking stick below my window); or that busy little woman gathering firewood for the winter; or the man from the nursery who sells me a potted geranium and ends up telling me the story of his life... So many stories waiting to be told! And, as I have discovered, small towns may be smaller than cities, and there may be fewer people living in them, but the stories they provide a writer with are big, they contain worlds upon worlds within them.'

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