Full Marks CBSE Hindi Guide Class 6 | Latest Edition
- Publisher : Full Marks
- Author: Full Marks
- Edition: 2024-25
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days
- Rs.285
Rs.267 Upto 6% off

Description :
FULL MARKS Hindi Guide Book Vasant Class 6 has been thoroughly revised as per the latest NCERT textbooks and CBSE guidelines.
It is a guide of English for the text book 'Vasant ' meant for students of class 6. It is prescribed in CBSE affiliated schools. This guide has chapter wise questions and answers of Vasant , chapter wise summary, grammar, reading and writing sections etc.FULL MARKS Hindi-6 has been thoroughly revised in view of the recent Examination Reforms propounded by the CBSE. The revised edition of this book is a complete support book based on the latest NCERT textbook. This provides all sorts of study-cum practice material and thus builds up strong confidence in the learners. It is an up-to-date, dependable and learner-friendly resource as per the guidelines of CBSE.
Tags: FullMarks, Class6, CBSEClass6, CBSE, Supportbook