Frank Primary Social Studies Class 4
- Publisher : Frank Bros.
- Author: Annie Mathew
- Availability: Out Of Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
Frank Primary Social Studies is a series for classes 3-5 written in accordance with the curriculum prescribed Frank Primary by the Council for the Indian School Certi?cate Examinations (CISCE). The books have been developed to provide meaningful learning opportunities covering a wide range of content drawn from the disciplines of History, Civics and Geography. Features: * Taking Off: An interactive activity to start the lesson * Content: Age-appropriate content in simple and lucid language supported with realistic photographs and easy-to-read maps * Think and Answer/Discuss: Questions to hone critical-thinking, reasoning, analysing and communication skills * Did You Know?: Additional interesting facts * Do-and-Learn: Practical and hands-on activities, projects, tasks and ?eld trips * Vocabulary/Glossary: A list of difficult as well as important terms
Tags: ICSEClass4, ICSE, S.S., FrankBro, Class4
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