Foundation Mathematics ICSE Class 10 by R S Aggarwal In and after 2026
- Publisher : Goyal Brother Publication
- Author: R S Aggarwal
- Edition: 2024-25
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
ICSE Foundation Mathematics Class 10 by R S Aggarwal for ICSE in and after 2026 . RS Aggarwal is a distinguished name in the Math book of India. Whether we consider CBSE or ICSE, both the boards recommend by RS Aggarwal.
The revised edition of I.C.S.E. Foundation Mathematics for Class X is strictly in accordance with the latest syllabus prescribed by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi for Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) examinations. While revising this book, the latest syllabus as well as the suggestions given by the students and leamed teachers to the previous edition have been kept in mind. To the point and straight-forward approach, as applied in this book, allows pupils to find the subject quite interesting.
Some distinctive features of this book are :
• Strictly in accordance with the latest syllabus.
• Rational, systematic and logical development of mathematical concepts.
• All concepts and definitions have been discussed in detail and in a lucid manner.
• The materials are class tested and the gradation has been done carefully.
• The vocabulary and terminology used in the book is in accordance with the comprehension and maturity level of the students.
• Subject matter is supplemented by suitable solved examples.
• For each type of question set in exercises, there are a number of solved examples.
• Multiple Choice Questions have been added for better understanding of the lesson.
Tags: Ref.Book, Class10, ICSEClass10, ICSE,