Brain Games For Young Minds Level 2 | Ages: 5-8 years
- Publisher : Rupa Publications
- Author: Rupa Experts
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days
- Rs.310
Rs.275 Upto 11% off

Description :
Brain Games books For Young Minds Level 2 for age 5-8 year old.Puzzle and brain games for young minds is a collection of four activity books for children of 5 to 8 years. The books will help young children develop abstract thinking and reasoning ability. The activities focus on verbal reasoning ability, and non-verbal reasoning ability such as pictorial reasoning and figural reasoning. These colourful, fun-filled activity books would definitely help enhance a child’s cognitive ability.
- Increases your child’s abstract thinking and reasoning
- Increases verbal reasoning ability
- Increases non-verbal reasoning ability
- Increases cognitive ability with fulled activities
- Interactive and full of bright pictures
Tags: Brain Games For Young Minds Level 2| Ages: 5-8 years, Rupa Experts, Children’s Books
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