Biology Class 11 Part 1 and 2 by B. B. Arora, A. K. Sabharwal | Latest Edition
- Publisher : Pardeep Publication
- Author: B. B. Arora , A. K. Sabharwal
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
Modern's abc + of Biology for class XI, written by very well-known authors of the subject, is a comprehensive book written in simple language with lucid presentation of subject matter. It meets the requirements of senior secondary/pre-degree students appearing for their Board examination and also fulfils the requirement of students preparing for different competitive examinations. In this book, all possible efforts have been made to overcome the practical difficulties which students generally face during the preparation. Keeping in view the importance of diagrams in Biology all the chapters have been profusely illustrated with eye-catching diagrams which make the subject matter easily comprehensible for the students. The book has also been written keeping the latest trends in mind.
Tags: Biology Class 11 Part 1 and 2 by B. B. Arora, A. K. Sabharwal | Latest Edition, B. B. Arora, A. K. Sabharwal, CBSE Class 11
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