Basic Electronics K Scheme MSBTE First Year Sem 2 Tech-Knowledge Publication
- Publisher : Tech-Knowledge Publication
- Author: J.S. Katre
- Edition: 2024
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days
- Rs.290
Rs.262 Upto 10% off

Description :
Applied Mathematics K Scheme MSBTE Diploma engineering Sem 2 book base on as per MSBTE revised syllabus 'k Scheme first year diploma course E&TC/ECE/ELEX published by Tech-Knowledge Publication. These books are written as per the syllabus of Pune, Mumbai, Shivaji, Goa, North Maharashtra & Marathwada Universities & for Rest of India too by eminent and experienced authors in their subjects. Besides textbooks, these books are also used as reference books by academicians and researchers, because of the quality of contents.
Tags: Basic Electronics K Scheme MSBTE First Year Sem 2 Tech-Knowledge Publication, J.S. Katre, First year Sem 2 MSBTE