Assessment for Learning Sem 3 B.Ed by Megha D. Gokhe, Rachana Das | Himalaya publication
- Publisher : Himalaya Publication
- Author: Megha D. Gokhe, Rachana Das
- Edition: 2024-25
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
The concept of Assessment for Learning delves into the interactive and developmental nature of assessment, which is specifically meant to enrich student learning and provide valuable insights for instructional strategies. The book addresses fundamental topics, including essential principles such as the significance of constructive feedback, how setting clear learning objectives enhances the assessment process, and evaluating and fostering social and emotional skills through the assessment. Emphasizing teacher attitude, classroom atmosphere, and inclusive practices, the significance of fostering a positive assessment culture is highlighted. The book entails numerous examples and illustrations of essential points. It provides educators with practical ideas to effectively incorporate assessment for learning across different areas and foster social and emotional learning within he classroom environment. The authors are heavily in debt to all who supported this venture throughout.
Contents –
Module 1: Fundamentals of Assessment
1. Concept of Assessment
2. Essentials of Assessment
3. Trends and Issues of Assessment
Module 2: Instruments of Assessment and Reporting of Result
4. Instruments of Assessment
5. Differentiated Assessment Strategies
6. Feedback Mechanism and Reporting
University Question Papers
Tags: Assessment for Learning Sem 3 B.Ed by Megha D. Gokhe, Rachana Das | Himalaya publication, Megha D. Gokhe, Rachana Das, Sem 3 B.Ed-Mumbai University
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