Arya Publication English Santoor NCERT Workbook Class 3 NEP 2020
- Publisher : Arya Publishing Company
- Author: Arya Publication
- Edition: 2025-26
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days
- Rs.175
Rs.165 Upto 6% off

Description :
Arya Publication Workbook English Santoor Book 3 Based On NCERT Textbook as per NEP 2020 .This new series 2023 edition of Workbook for classes 1-5 is a workbook aligned with the NEP and is based on the NCERT textbook Marigold . The workbook provides ample practice, keeping NCERT book as the base. The purpose of these workbooks is to provide students with ample practice material on all topics of Marigold covered in the NCERT textbooks. Each chapter of the workbook contains both, Objective Type Questions (Multiple Choice Questions, Fill in the Blanks, True/False, Match the Columns etc.) and Subjective type Questions.
Tags: Arya Publication English Marigold NCERT Workbook Class 3 NEP 2020, Arya Publication, Class-3