Arihant NCERT Hindi Sarangi Workbook Class 1
- Publisher : Arihant Publication
- Author: Arihant Expert
- Edition: 2025-26
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days
- Rs.175
Rs.145 Upto 17% off

Description :
The Workbook series as the name suggests has been designed by Arihant with an aim of helping students practice the concepts using hundreds of practice questions of all types which have been or may be asked in the upcoming CBSE Examinations.
- Complete coverage of syllabus in 3 major sections
- Answers
- Prepared as per the National Curriculum Framework
- Divided into 3 major sections with complete coverage of every chapter
- Different variety of questions: Fill in the Blank, True-False, MCQs, etc. for practice
- Numerous exercises covering practice importance of Sarangi Book
- The detailed answers for each question at the end
- A latest revised edition covering the entire syllabus of CBSE
- Helps students to address the areas that need further attention
- A complete assessment tool for Sarangi Class 2
Tags: Arihant NCERT Practice Workbook Hindi Sarangi Class 1, Arihant Expert, Class-1
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