Arihant Bank Interviews
- Publisher : Arihant Publication
- Author: SC Gupta
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days

Description :
1. ‘Bank Interviews’ is a specialized book that teaches the techniques and shortcuts tricks to crack Interviews. 2. Variety of topics have been covered into 12 chapters 3. Each chapter in the book has been sub-divided into number of topics 4. It contains some important facts regarding India which are asked in interviews 5. 15 model interviews have also been provided that give ideas about banking recruitment interviews In view of the upcoming Bank PO and Clerk examinations like IBPS PO & Clerk, SBI PO & Clerk, etc Arihant has come up specialized book designed to help aspirants know the techniques and shortcuts to help aspirants crack the Banking Recruitment Examinations Interviews. The present book for Banking Interviews has been divided into 12 chapters namely Banking Interview,Types of Questions asked in Interviews, Preparing for an Interview, How to fill the Bio-Data form, Indian Banking System, The Reserve Bank of India, Nationalised Banks in India, Financial Institutions, Budget Formation in India, Indian Money & Capital Market and Reforms & Innovation in Banking Sector.Each chapter in the book has been sub-divided into number of topics to help aspirants get an insight into the nooks and corners of questions asked in banking interviews and to get an insight into the same. The book also contains some important facts regarding India which may be asked in interviews and 15 model interviews have also been provided in the book to help aspirants get an idea about what a banking recruitment interview looks and feels like. As book contains ample study material and mock interviews, it for sure will act as the best guide for sure success in Bank PO and Clerk Interviews.
Tags: Banking Books, Arihant Publication
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